Move Cursor Position

Command Prototype


Command Description

Move the cursor position in a Word document, relative to its current position

Parameter Description
Required Parameter
objWord--Word document object
iMove--The position relative to which the cursor is moved, starting from 0, and must be greater than or equal to 0
Optional Parameter
sType--Object type to manipulate, available options include "text: text" and "section: section", the default is "text"
sPosition--The direction in which the cursor is moved, available options include "right:right", "left:left", "down:down", "up:up", and the default is "right:right". The start position for "Left" and "Up" movements is the start position of the selected text, and the start position for "Right" and "Down" movements is the end position of the selected text
bShift--Whether to hold down the shift key when moving the cursor, false is not to hold down the key, true is to hold it down, the default is false

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